
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grocery List

What is on your grocery list?

I hate grocery shopping. It's one of my least favorite things in the world. We get basically the same thing week after week. Milk, bananas, bread, ice cream, yogurt, and occasionally a few other things.Thinking up a grocery list means thinking about what I want for dinner, which I really dislike doing. So, needless to say, I don't like this question!

Photo: Was supposed to spend about an hour in there, but due to #sclerodermaprobs my mouth doesn't fit over the mouth piece. We'll see what my rheumy wants to do now. Big shout out to that wonderful lady in the chair. She was so sweet and awesome as I had a bit of a breakdown. #frustrated #sickofbeingsick #scleroderma #pulmonaryfunctiontest #atleastihavetherestofthedayoff #mydailylife

Photo 2: So what do you do when you take work off for a PFT and you can't do it so you're sent home early? You go to a movie with your hot husband. #divergent #daydate #lovemyhubby #mydailylife

Photo 3: Then you come out of the movie to see it snowing pretty good and it's freezing and you have no gloves....#daydate #randomutahweather #mydailylife

Photo 3: Then you top off the #daydate with a trip to Wal-Mart for baby food (nutritious dinner maybe, but how can that be good?) And then Subway for dinner. My hubby made my not-so-good day better. #daydate #lovemyhubby #letsseeificangainweight #tomorrowisanewday #mydailylife

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