
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


What do you have too much of?
Negative energy. Too much anger and resentment towards quite a few people. It's frustrating that I can't seem to let go. Maybe one of these days I can just let go. Its way too much for sure.
Photo: Month of Gratitude: Day 13. With all the time I spend crying and complaining about what my body can't do, today I am grateful for what it can. I have a healthy heart with only one valve that has slightly elevated blood pressure (I blame it on work), that still beats and pumps blood throughout my body. My lungs are mostly functioning properly. I can still walk by myself, though I have to be careful not to jump off curbs. I can dress myself mostly by myself, I can do my hair well enough that I don't look like I just rolled out of bed. I can see. I can drive, though I have to take corners a little slower. I can still work at my job. And mostly I'm grateful that my hands aren't totally deformed, so even though it's harder to do what I once could, they still can do what I need them. Lots to be grateful for today.

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