
Sunday, January 4, 2015

3 Things That Annoy

What are three things that rub you the wrong way?
{2013} :: {2014}

1) People who complain all the time. Yes, I realize that I was once that way, and if you talk with my co-workers they will tell you I still am (I'm not, I just have to keep up that image...I am the Corporate Whiner!) But when all I see is complaining about every little thing on facebook or wherever. I just don't have a whole lot of sympathy. Sorry. Life isn't that bad, and trust me, could be a heck of a lot worse. Like you could suddenly not be able to care entirely for yourself.....

2) When people are condescending. Example: A member came in the other day and loudly said, "Your ATM is old." Donna replied with, "Our ATM is actually new," to which the gentleman, in his condescending tone says, "It doesn't take deposits." I get annoyed with people like that so I said, and probably not real nicely, "Yes it does!" "Only with an envelope. The ones downtown just take the cash in." He was so condescending, and made it seem like our technology was total crap, even though in reality, it would take about 2 seconds more to put the money in an envelope. #firstworldproblems

3) When you greet someone and they ignore you. (Can you tell I'm SOOOO ready to go back to work tomorrow!) Or they sit and chat on their phone and expect you to read their mind and know what they're wanting. Be polite. If someone says hi, how are you? Just say Hey back. Please! Also, don't answer your phone while you're being helped.

Photo: Having church at 9:00 in the morning is so great! We also took our tree down finally. Is nice to not have to squeeze between the tree and TV stand. #becauseyoucare

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