
Monday, September 30, 2013


What are you thankful for?
I'm grateful for people who are willing to spend a lot of years going to school to specialize in various health fields.
People who are willing to put in a good word out help me get into different doctors.
People who are genuinely concerned about me.
A great hubby who is willing to go to my doctor appointments with me... who will let me cry, but only for a minute before cracking some joke to get me laughing... who will slow down for me, will help me stand up, will help me in and out of the tub, will help me with my hair out get dressed.
My health... I'm still alive and I can go about my daily activities, with only a few minor troubles.
Photo: met with the rheumatologist today. More testing in my future. Its okay. As long as I can get better.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Today I'm Feeling

Today I'm feeling...
Cold - the heater at the church wasn't working, so despite being dressed up warm, it was super cold.
Tired - I love lazy Sundays where I really don't have to do anything, but I sure am tired.

Good - as good as can be I guess. There's a lot I can't control so I just have to keep going.

Photo: Gold...en Sunday drive up Logan canyon.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Breaking the Law

Have you ever broken the law? How so?
Not recently. Unless you count accidentally. I really try not to speed, but once in a while I might. But I really REALLY try to obey the laws of the land... especially speeding. My fear of a ticket outweighs my need to get somewhere a few minutes faster.
Photo: 10 O'clock... and I'm about to dig into this book for the second time in two days. I absolutely love it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm Different

What is one thing that makes you different?
Right now I can only think of physically different. By that I mean this whole health thing has got my body changing and me looking different. I think the biggest thing that makes me different is my face. The skin tightening is really starting to take its toll. I don't really know how to explain it and I don't know that this actually answers the question, but it's all I can think of. I just hope that is not permanent and I can get my face back. :)
Photo: love curling up with my blanket on the couch. Thank goodness it's Friday.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Close your eyes and daydream for a moment. What did you imagine?
I was feeling great. And was enjoying a nice back massage. On the beach. Greg next to me. It was lovely.
Photo: Curve. Love when it rains and the windshield wiper leaves this.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best News Ever

What is the best news you've heard in the last week?
What about the best news I've seen? In that Adam Levine from The Voice looks mighty food with facial hair. Just saying....
Photo: H is for...hungry! For once I actually wanted something specific. A total rarity lately.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Morning Rituals

Today marks 1 year since I started doing daily blog. What?!? Crazy right? The purpose is to see how different things are from year to year so I'll be releasing the same prompts. Crazy.
List your morning rituals.
7:05 alarm goes off (sounds like 'Little Things' by 1D). Hit snooze.
7:10 'Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me'... hit snooze
7:15 'but bear this in mind it was meant to be'... snooze
7:20 listen a little longer. Drag myself out of bed.
7:30 shower
7:45 get dressed enough so Greg can put on my shoes before he leaves
8:00 drop Greg off
8:05 eat breakfast
8:20 attempt to do my hair, and makeup, and finish getting dressed
8:45 rush out the door so I'm not too late
I need more time.
Photo: Space... or something like that. It's kind of like space right?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Drove Me Crazy

Name one thing that drive you crazy today.

So I am a teller at a credit union, and I'd say I really love my job 90% of the time. Well they have decided that it would be a brilliant idea to turn us into 'Member Service Representatives' or MSR's. What that means is instead of just being a teller, we now get to process loans as well... among other things. Cool right? Not cool. Well, okay, it's not horrible, but they are going about it the wrong way. They are not prepared to properly train us, and I feel like there is a bit of confusion amongst the CU.

There are three levels of MSR. Today we found out what levels we are. I am a level 2. I was fine with it until my manager kept talking. I know he was just trying to make it sound like level 2 was great and blah blah blah, but then he told me where the other tellers are and what they based the levelling on. One of the factors is 'seniority' which is a term I've come to hate. At this point I feel like our levels of knowledge are pretty similar, yet because I've been here less I'm 'ranked' lower. It absolutely drives me crazy. Especially when I do more work than those with this 'seniority'. So frustrating.

But I'll just keep my mouth shut since when I've voiced my feelings in the past it made no difference. Apparently you have to be at the job for a long time in order to gain respect.

Photo: I finally went in to get my eyes checked. First time in over 3 years, so it was much needed. Saying goodbye to these cute glasses. Got me some new ones.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

On My Mind

What is one thing on your mind that you're not quite ready to talk about?

Interesting question. If I didn't want to talk about it, then I wouldn't bring it up... right? I think one thing that is difficult for me to talk about is my health. I promise one of these days I'll write about it, because I think it'll be important to document my days, but right now I don't really want to. I don't really like to talk about it because, A: I don't even know exactly what's going on, B: I don't want people to worry, C: I don't want people to feel bad/sorry for me, and D: I don't want to be a burden on anyone.

It could be healthy to talk about it. Just not now.

Photo: Made me happy... these yummy cookies made me happy, and I only had two!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Under Pressure

What pressure did you feel today?
Umm... considering today is Saturday...I didn't feel much. We'll unless you count when Greg pressured me to make a decision on whether I wanted to get One Direction cups from Wal Mart. Guess what I chose...
Photo: My new cups.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Last Gift

What is the last gift you've received?

Well, I had a nice post written up, but it didn't save... so that's too bad, but I think the last gift I received was a bag of chocolates from the Young Women after I was released. It is crazy to think I was in the YW program for about five years. It was a great calling, and I really miss setting the girls all the time, but I did need a change, and I think it came when I needed it. I still am not sure what they were thinking putting me in Relief Society, but right now it's where I need to be.

Photo: What is this? This is my reward for not killing my coworkers. You can also see the purple-ness of my fingers and the lines from my gloves that I always wear.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Thing

What is the first thing you did this morning? Was it part of your routine?
I listened to a bit of "Little Things" by One Direction before hitting the snooze button, waiting five minutes and repeating. Yes it's part of my routine. Every. Single. Day. No wonder I'm always late to work.
Photo: In the morning...I always look this lovely.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


How old do you feel?
I feel like a freakin 87 year old if you want to know the truth. I hobble around when I walk, I have a hard time going up and down stairs, standing up, and I am slower than your average grandparent. It's a bit rough. But I am only 27. Hopefully by the time I'm 28 I'll only feel 35.
Photo: When I walked into work, these critters were scattered all over my desk. That's what we do with the toys that get left at the credit union. And can we take a minute to notice how creepy the doll is?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Before I Fall Asleep

What do you think about before you fall asleep?
It's either how much I don't want to go to work, or sometimes I think about Candy Crush (which makes for some crazy annoying dreams), or about the book I'm reading. Sometimes I think about how tired I am. It's tough to say. It all depends on my day.
Photo: In front of me. My blessed (pronounced bless-ed) computer. Kinda gives me a head ache. This is in front of me 5 days a week. Love it.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Who threw the last party you went to?
Well, I don't know if you can call a baby shower a party, but since I'm pretty boring, that's what I'm going to call a party. Anyway it was a baby shower for my friend Melanie thrown by a couple of ladies in my ward. Super fun times.
Photo: Wax bath for my hands. Feels odd, but also very nice.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Perk Me Up

List three things that perk you up when you're feeling down.
1. Greg. He does a pretty good job of keeping me happy. He always says something silly or makes some type of joke. It's quite annoying actually...jk. He is pretty great.
2. Good music. (Aka One Direction) but seriously, I love getting in my car after a long day and turning it on to a good song (preferably Best Song Ever).
3. Something sweet. Not too sweet though. Since I haven't been feeling well I haven't eaten as many sweets as I used to, but every now and then a handful of mini M&M's or a bowl of Capt'n Crunch really hits the spot.
Photo: Season. Is almost fall! These babies always bloom around this time of year. Love the changing seasons.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Were you stressed today?
Not really. It's Saturday and even though I hate working, it doesn't really stress me out. Of course I'd be a lot less stressed if I didn't have to work, our have those other stresses in my life. You know, like health and callings. Minor details.
Photo: Liquid. My trusty water bottle.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Free Time

How did you spend your free time today?
Free time? What's that? Jk. It was spent searching KSL, Deseret News, HJ News, and any other news site that wasn't blocked at work. Also played word search and Candy Crush on my phone. Super exciting.
Photo: Unexpected. A beautiful evening after a day of rain. Rain very rarely happens, it seems.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


What computer do you use the most?
Unfortunately, it would be my work computer. Like I've mentioned before, it's hard for me to sit for long at my computer, and it is kind of dying, so until we move my computer to a more convenient location, I won't be using it much. Its all good. I have my phone.
Photo: Shadow. So I didn't take a picture specifically for it. I did take this on my way back from dropping Greg of at school. It was a beautiful morning, plus One Direction was on the radio playing What Makes You Beautiful. Per-fect.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


What is your favorite gadget?
I'm gonna go with my phone: Samsung Galaxy S3. It can do so much and it's so convenient. A lot easier to pack around than a laptop or kindle. I'm so glad that we upgraded. Its been especially helpful since I don't like to sit at my computer. I can check email, Facebook, etc all from my phone. I love it.
Photo: What I did today. I sat and started at my computer screen, and read Ali Edwards blog. Love that I don't have to use my quota time to do it. Kind of makes me really want to do Project Life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day Wasted

When was the last time you intentionally wasted a day?
Honestly I can't remember. I never take days off from work, and I can't count holidays or Saturdays off, even though I tend to waste those days. So who knows? Maybe someday I'll have enough time of accrued so I can take a day just to waste it.
Photo: Sweet. This is my sweet stash at work. We'll see how long it lasts.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gimme My Money

Does anyone owe you money?
I wish! But, no. Uncle Don finally paid up so I think we're good. I wouldn't mind if someone owed me a few thousand (with the intention of actually paying me back, of course!)
Photo: On the wall. This painting is in the wall at work and I just find it so strange. I don't really understand why it is there. Not that it's bad or anything. Just odd. (For my memory: when it was super slow at work and Caleb used Paint to recreate this particular piece of art)

Sunday, September 8, 2013


My life would be easier if...
I wasn't in pain all the time. I think quite often how different things would be if I weren't in pain. I wonder if I would do more (see post from yesterday). I like to think I would. I know it would definitely be easier to pick this up that I drop. I also would have the stamina to do my everyday activities. I don't really understand the purpose of this trial (do we ever?) But maybe part of it is to not take for granted the sinplicity of certain things (like picking things up, or doing my hair, or lifting the laundry basket.) I'm learning a lot through this, most definitely
Photo: Made By Me. These cookies were not made by me, but they were eaten by me. Greg makes the best cookies.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


What is the thing you felt guilty about?
Being lazy. I'm so lucky to have a husband who is so willing to do typical 'housewife' duties. He cleans, he cooks, he does laundry, he's just the best. Especially lately where everything is a lot more difficult for me to do. It can be tough. I really feel guilty that I don't do more. Makes me feel like a major failure. Hopefully I can get going again soon though. I'll come back as a super wife.
Photo: White. It was a lazy day. We played Halo4 and enjoyed our day together. I love when I don't have to work on Saturday.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Three Things Today

Name the things you've done today.

1. Went to work and worked all day. Man that was tough. It's been a while since I've worked 8+ hours. I survived though. Don't you worry.
2. Came home and relaxed. Took a much needed bath to warm me up and relax me.
3. Went to the One Direction movie "This is Us." Oh my goodness. It was awesome. I already want to see it again. It was cool learning more about them and their personal lives. Plus they are hilarious and I love them. Thanks to Shaina for going with me! Seriously, I want to watch it again. Like now.
You get two pics today. One is of the boys for their movie and the other is my prompt.
Photo: Getting Ready
Gettingr ready to watch the best movie ever!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

To the Doctor I Go

The last doctor's appointment you made was because...
That's actually pretty ironic since the last doctor appointment I had was today. It was made because my body hates me. In short I have been in pain for the past 1.5 years. Someday I will tell the whole story, but for now I'll leave it at that. I'm just beyond relieved to have finally been able to go see a doctor. The doctor I went to was fabulous. And its through good people that I was able to see him, and see him when I did. I'm grateful for good people. It was kind of funny because the nurse and doctor kept apologizing that it took forever to finally see me (about an hour and a half). Little do they know I would have been happy waiting three hours to get in. Anyway. Like I said, I'll tell the whole story once I know more.
Photo: Here Forever
I've been waiting to get here forever, and couldn't be more excited and ready.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Let's Go!!

Where would you like to go?

I think a spa would be a really nice place to go. Massage...facial...manicure...pedicure... whatever else relaxing happens at a spa. Could be pretty sweet.

Photo: Alone. Greg had meetings after work so I came home alone.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What Did I Learn?

What was the most recent thing you learned?

I thought about this question for a good twenty minutes, and can't think of anything good. I did have someone make a comment to me about something that was kind of strange and I learned that some people are kind of judgemental without knowing the whole story. (Me included...I know I'm not perfect!) But I learned that we shouldn't judge people without knowing the whole story. Maybe that person isn't picking up your baby because she can't. But it's okay. I'm not angry at her for thinking like that. She didn't know and I'm sure I would have thought the same thing. We just really need to be careful because you don't know the battle they're fighting.

Photo: Lines. (More like stripes, but same thing, right?) This is my favorite super comfy maxi skirt.

Monday, September 2, 2013


What are you questioning?

Why do I have to go to work tomorrow? We had the day off today and it was awesome. Despite forgetting to turn off my alarm and having it go off at 7:10, I got to go back to sleep for another almost two hours. So great. Now I'm wondering why I can't do that again tomorrow. Something about being a responsible adult I suppose.

Photo: My name begins with...
(Can you see it?)

I cheated a bit. But we also went to the movies today. Not the best movie ever, but maybe if I hadn't read the books it would be better.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


What decisions do you have to make that you wish you didn't?

To be honest the only thing I can think of is deciding what to do for Super Saturday. I think someone should start a business where they come up with all the crafts/classes and you pay them to get everything together. No hard decisions by me at all. I wish I had more time and space to actually try some of the cure ideas I have found on Pinterest. Then I would start that business on my own and make millions of Enrichment leaders so happy.

And since I have an awesome new phone and its a new month I'm going to start posting my daily photos here. I'm going to follow the prompts from Fat Mum Slim and today's was 'together'. Together, Greg and I went for a walk to drop off our rent and go around the block. It was a bit painful as my knees and hips don't cooperate so well any more. But it's nice to get out and move.